About Me

Keep on learning

First of all, father. Enthusiastic about new technologies, programming and education. On this website, you can see an extract of my Curriculum.


City: Valencia (Spain)
Email: javdome@gmail.com

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Digital competences Spanish (C2) English (B2) Automotive technology E-learning ICT Programming Html/Css/Js/Php Engineering Advanced MS office Goal-oriented EdTech Learning capacity Multimedia development Pedagogy

Strengths and services

These are my professional strengths.

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Official studies

My studies in chronological order.

Industrial engineering degree

Speciality in mechanical and management - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2002).

Postgraduate Certificate in Education

Institute of Education Sciences - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2004).

Senior work-accident prevention technician

Specialties: Workplace safety (2005).

Postgraduate studies

Thermal Engines Department - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2006).

University expert in tutoring and e-learning teaching

Universidad de Sevilla (2011).

Certificate of Higher Education in Web Applications Development

Prize for the best academic results - Centro Específico de Educación a Distancia de la Comunidad Valenciana CEEDCV (2019).